Wednesday, January 25, 2006

...on Googling

Google, in its search for the almighty dollar, has egregiously erred in its decision to prohibit Internet searches in its China market. Chinese will only see government sponsored sights when searching Internet databases. Google succumbed to Chinese government pressure and decided to limit freedom. However, at the same time, Google refuses to submit to a United States government subpoena of its records on searches for child pornography. In other words, it is certainly OK by Google administrators to allow creeps to view and download child porno (clearly against US law) but it will not let Chinese citizens the freedom to search for the truth. It’s OK to promote stalking and exploiting children, but not OK for a Chinese citizen to search the truth in current events or history. It is OK for someone to get their rocks off while viewing a child in a compromising (and never consensual) position, but not OK for a Chinese citizen to learn about democracy. Google is pathetic and a disgrace to this county’s long fight for human rights. Maybe they need to do a search on "freedom" or "war" or "human rights" or "capitalism". New World Order, here we come.

There are hundreds of search engines on the Internet, many of them better than Google., are two good ones. I suggest you BOYCOT Google, I am….I won’t be Googling anything.

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