Sunday, January 22, 2006 daughter the star

Well, Lisa's television debut went very well and she looked beautiful in her green sweater. She didn't stutter, hesitate, talk to long (like someone we won't mention), didn't throw up, or go blank. She's a star!

We had a great time watching her, although it was hard to hear sometimes with the family yelling! I had to watch it several times on tape, just to see how it went. The camera on the audience focused on Mom, Mike, and Vic (they hogged the audience shots completely!) Little Isabella is only on for a couple of shots and they had to get her, of course, when she was hot and tired.

Jodi called Lisa right after the airing, and unfortunately, Lisa's mother-in-law answered the phone to all of us yelling "loser"! So much for family support! I'm sure Betty think's we're way out there somewhere! Vic was impressed with Betty's southern accent and called it "lovely"...I'm not sure I ever heard that word from him...but then, she is a lovely person all around.

I think I've been blessed many times over having such good children, family and friends (bizarre as some of them are....won't mention any names!)

Good going, Number One Daughter!


Design Goddess said...

I'm so upset! I missed it!!! I had my VCR ready to tape, but when I got back from church...nothing! It never taped! I'm so bummed. :(

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

I got to see the pictures Lisa blogged. I bet it was neat!! BTW this is DG's big sis, melanie