Saturday, September 02, 2006

...on non-bowling

Since we have soooo much free time around here now, Dad and I thought about joining a bowling league. How simple is that? Find a bowling alley and sign up. WRONG. Apparently, no one really wants just two people. You have to find your own group. There was one league for "seniors" on Thursday mornings, but they have already started and we would be four weeks behind. We visited several alleys, including a rather seedy joint in Alliance, but to no avail. On Fridays, Eastbury has a "senior" fun bowling day for only six bucks. We went to check out the crowd, but hey….they were like in their 80s! I’m sure they bowled far better than us, but c’mon! We’re just looking for an "over forty crowd"! (By the way, I beat Dad in both "practice" games we played.) So much for bowling. Maybe Tango dance lessons????

1 comment:

Design Goddess said...

I never knew it was so difficult to join a bowling league.

At least you only need two to Tango?! (sorry for the bad pun....actually no, I'm not)