Friday, May 26, 2006

...welcome to the United States of Mexico

Yep, I'm very unhappy about rewarding illegal aliens with benefits earmarked for US citizens and legal immigrants.

Here is my letter to Senator Voinovich and Senator DeWine:

I am sadly disappointed that you voted for and approved S 2611. I feel as though you and many other representatives are exchanging this country and its good citizens' heritage for a quick fix to a very complex problem. Personally, I would rather see the money that will be spent on refunds, welfare, social security, and educational benefits for illegals sent directly to Mexico, if need be. As it is, the Mexican government turns a blind eye toward the millions escaping its borders while failing to solve its own social problems. Now it is our problem.
It is simply mind-boggling that every Senator who approved this bill apparently does not know the meaning of "illegal". Those who enter this country illegally are criminals and this bill rewards their illegal activities. Additionally, it is a slap in the face to those who jump through hoops, learn the language, have legal jobs, pay taxes, and educate their children to become legal citizens.

Along with many, this is one issue that I will remember next election.


Design Goddess said...

I believe that this will be an issue without an easy solution. I don't think it's right to reward these illegal aliens either. I find it sad that we still can't seem to take care of our OWN people first before heading out into the world.

On a different note, Mom1 is retiring on July 15th! :)

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

I totally agree with you. I think it isn't right that they are being rewarded. Heck, our grandparents, great-grandparents, or other generations ago weren't rewarded. They came to this country to do what was right. UGH!