Yes, I saw the dead skunk in the road on the way to the store. I think the poor thing had just expired. I always feel so badly about roadkill...if they would just learn to use crosswalks.
Anyway....I have in my mind that on the way back, I have to remember the skunk, because it is at the turn at the HS and you can't see it. Unfortunately, there I was, rounding Reno, melting ice cream cone in hand, jammin' with Morrison and the Doors (c'mon baby light my fire) when...BUMP. Yikes...(and other expletives). Maybe it won't be so bad.
10 seconds later this gawd-awful smell is spewing from my car. I pull into the garage and five minutes later pull out again, because now, the whole house smells like skunk. I cooked with garlic tonight (lots of it) and now I have a garlic-skunk smell all over the house. Yummy. Well, the car is out tonight and it's too damn hot to open the windows, so the A/C is just recycling garlic and skunk odors. Ain't summer grand?